There are people around the world who are born with a natural talent or rather an advantage in a particular activity. If you combine natural talent with work ethic and you end up with an amazing result. I personally do not believe that I was born with any particular talent and although I have done… Read more »
I have frequented professional dance shows for a while now; contemporary, ballet, hip hop and everything that strikes my fancy. I have never taken a massive liking to Salsa shows and have always wondered why. Why can I pay a premium to visit the theatre but not sit through a set of Salsa shows even… Read more »
This is the final article in the rapid improvement set; these five articles were written to be thought provoking and will hopefully awaken your awareness, make you think about your learning, give to you the motivation to move on when you are ready and make you want find your limits through stretching yourself. The final… Read more »
I have a hobby of watching new dancers in London and over the last 5 years, I have scouted and kept an eye on several dancers who show potential. Just think of someone who follows the youth team in a sport curious to see who the next big thing will be. I don’t just stop… Read more »
My next tip for improving your Salsa is to instil the following mind set “Move on Quickly”. While people start to fume about this statement and start seeing red I will state that there is a difference between Moving On Quickly (moving between instructors and schools) and Rushing Up Levels (moving up classes). For me… Read more »
My second tip for rapid salsa progression would seem to contradict the title but is definitely a key driver in those that progress quickly; all those that follow this tip find themselves in a much better place compared to their peers. My second tip is to “Master Less Material“. I want to approach each of… Read more »